It Has Been Done: From Concept to YouTube to Network (ABC) Syndication
For some time now people have been talking about developing a tv show concept, putting an episode on YouTube, then jumping from web to broadcast tv. Well it's been done, and it has generated four revenue streams for the producers.
The process is described the 9-25-12 Hollywood Reporter article entitled: YouTube-Funded Show 'Recipe Rehab' to Be Syndicated on ABC TV Stations.
The healthy cooking show, which is part of the online video giant's push into professional content, is YouTube's first series to move to broadcast television.
Analysis From Next TV Today:
While YouTube video creators previously have made shows for cable-TV networks, this marks the first time a new show designed for Google-owned YouTube has been re-versioned for broadcast TV. Set to be cross-promoted via broadcast and online, it’s part of YouTube’s $150-million original content initiative to engage more viewers, and to attract bigger advertisers and persuade them to shift their traditional TV and cable media spends.
Co-Producer Everyday Health CEO Ben Wolin predicted his firm will get more revenue from product placements and integrations within Recipe Rehab than from advertising sales by ABC. And he estimated that the ABC deal would add "multiple millions of dollars of revenue" for his company.
The four revenue streams generated for the producers are:
Google Placed Ad Running before Show, and Google Ad Sense ad on the YouTube video page
Product Placements
Earnings from ABC TV advertising (license) fees.
No doubt this accomplishment was due to the efforts of everyone on the team: Producers, director, writers, talent, contact with people at YouTube on participation in their original content initiative. And notice that the accomplishment was covered by two traditional media outlets: The Wall Street Journal and The Hollywood Reporter.
Read the original Hollywood Reporter article.
Read the original Wall Street Journal article.
Would you like to move your project to the next level? Contact me to discuss what you've done, and what you would like to accomplish. We'll develop a plan that may take you where you want to go and beyond!
Steve Thompson
s t e v e @ c i n e m a n e w s w i r e . c o m
Thompson Communications
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